The winner of Corporate Excellence Award in APEA2018
28 Sep , 2018

We are extremely grateful to win the Corporate Excellence Award by Enterprise Asia in APEA 2018! This is a regional award for outstanding entrepreneurship, also means a big motivation to us that our hard works and performance being acknowledged, pushing AsiaPac one step forward.
We have always been striving to be the premier digital marketing service provider, spending the past few years turning our digital marketing know-how into a well-built system as well as making on-going efforts to optimize our digital marketing solutions. More importantly, we have developed a big data system of vertical industries data in order to provide the best service as we can to our customers. These are the reasons why we stand out from the crowd.
It was a truly proud moment. Thank you again for all the supports. Let’s continue turning the ideas of enthusiasm into great accomplishments!
Click here for the details of APEA Corporate Excellence Award and here for the featured article about AsiaPac from APEA.
Following is the post-award release published by The Standard newspaper at 8 October, 2018.